Embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Use these guidelines as a compass to navigate the path toward a more purposeful and fulfilling life. Remember, the power to shape your future lies within you, and every step you take brings you closer to the person you aspire to become.

Are you ready to invest in yourself and unlock your full potential? Let the journey begin!

coffee in ceramic mug served on board
coffee in ceramic mug served on board
mindfulness printed paper near window
mindfulness printed paper near window

Walking Meditation

helps increase awareness both of our internal strengths and our external surroundings. Paying closer attention to each step also increase our sense of appreciation and enjoyment of our physical sensations. Instead of rushing through our days and missing out from place to place, we gain a greater sense of control over our thoughts, feelings, and actions, allowing us to respond in more constructive ways when we experience negative thoughts or emotions.

How to Do It

Follow the steps below.

  1. Find a location - where you won’t be disturbed and would allow you to move back and forth for 10–15 paces

  2. Walk - take 10–15 steps along the path, and then pause and breathe for as long as you like. Turn and move back in the opposite direction to the other end of the path, where you can pause and breathe again. Repeat and continue with your journey. Notice at least these four basic components:
    • the lifting of one foot;
    • the moving of the foot a bit forward of where you’re standing;
    • the placing of the foot on the floor, heel first;
    • the shifting of the weight of the body onto the forward leg as the back heel lifts, while the toes of that foot remain touching the floor or the ground.

  3. Focusing your attention -. As you move, try to focus your attention on one or more sensations, such as your breath coming in and out of your body; the movement of your feet, legs, and arms; your head balanced on your neck and shoulders; sounds nearby or those caused by the movement of your body; or whatever your eyes take in as they focus on the world in front of you.

    What to do if your mind wanders: That’s OK—it’s perfectly natural. When you notice your mind wandering, simply try to reorient your attention toward one of those sensations.

sun light passing through green leafed tree
sun light passing through green leafed tree
person holding white and black i love you print card
person holding white and black i love you print card

Three Good Things

teaches you to notice, remember, and savor the better things in life. By giving you the space to focus on the positive, you are prompted to pay closer attention to positive events down the road and engage in them more fully. Reflecting on the cause of the event may help attune you to the deeper sources of goodness in your life, fostering a mindset of gratitude.

How to Do It

Each day for at least one week, write down three things that went well for you today, and provide an explanation for why they went well, follow these instructions:

  1. Give the event a title.

  2. Write down in as much detail as possible, where; what you did or said, and, any others were involved.

  3. How it made you feel.

  4. Explain what you think caused this event—why it happened.

a person writing on a piece of paper with a pen
a person writing on a piece of paper with a pen
Do Something Great neon sign
Do Something Great neon sign

Life Crafting

helps making sense of your priorities in life, better articulate the values and passions that are important to you personally, and also possibly make a contribution to the wider world. It breaks down the search for purpose and meaning in life into concrete steps, making our goals and sources of meaning more salient to us.

Past research suggests that people who find meaning and purpose in the aftermath of traumatic events tend to have better mental health. What’s more, a substantial body of research suggests that writing about thoughts, feelings, and goals can help support mental health and goal attainment.

How to Do It

Following steps—a series of short writing prompts.

  1. Identify your deepest values and passions—what’s most important to you. Write a list of your greatest values and a separate list of what you most like to do in life e.g. skills you would like to build, or personal habits you both like and dislike.

  2. Reflect on your ideal future. Write a paragraph envisioning what do you want your ideal life to look like. What kinds of personal and professional relationships do you want to have? What do you want in an ideal job or volunteer experience? What kind of career you want or how you’d like to spend your time outside of work (either after hours or in retirement).

  3. Write down how you’ll attain those goals. Prioritize your goals and, in another paragraph, identify obstacles in the way of those goals, describe your strategy for overcoming those obstacles, and explain how you will track your progress toward those goals.

  4. Make a public commitment to your goals. Communicate these goals to others in your community, including friends, family, and coworkers.

person wearing black watch holding babys hand
person wearing black watch holding babys hand